Sunday, 25 September 2011

Hyperlinks in SAP BO Web Intelligence

Hyperlinks in Web Intelligence

  1. Place the Blank Cell from the Templates Panel.
 After inserting the Blank cell go to the formula bar of the Blank cell. Paste the path of the report you want to open.
 Check the syntax of the hyperlink using green correct button.
 After checking the hyperlink. The path will display in the blank cell.
 Then go to properties of the cell. In the display tab  cell and set read cell content as hyperlink

Finally it works like a Hyperlink.

The syntax for the hyperlinks

Normal Hyperlink


Hyperlink with Text

 =<a href=http://ic-rpc-01:9000/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sType=wid&iDocID=13790> Hyperlink </a>

Hyperlink on a Column

="<a href=http://ic-rpc-01:9000/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sType=wid&iDocID=13790>"+[Year]+

Hyperlink with the Prompt


We can view the report by both ways by using iDocID and sDocName

sDocName is the name of the which you want to view.
DocID is the unique number given to the Report.


Server name is the name of your system name.

8080 is the port number of your server.
You will find these two Details in internet explorer after opening the infoview.
To view the DocID

Go to the infoview panel select the folder in which your report exists

In this above window you are seeing up arrows if you place your cursor on the arrow button then the DocID will display in the below toolbar.

From the above window 13796 is the DOCID of the LEVEL3 Report.

In Desktop Intelligence

 We have a direct function called Hyperlink
 The syntax of the Function =hyperlink( “path”,”Name you want to display”)

Place the hyperlink path in the first place. And the name you want to display in the Second place.

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